

Master Mathias ESSEREKE is an accomplished individual with an astounding set of qualifications. He holds a highly esteemed Masters in Private Law, which is not an easy degree to achieve. In addition to that, he went on to graduate from the Higher Cycle of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM), with a specialisation in the Bar stream. With these qualifications alone, he is undoubtedly an excellent and highly skilled professional.


However, that is not all; Master Mathias ESSEREKE has also invested considerable time and effort into additional training at two prestigious institutions – the International Center for Training in Africa of Francophone Lawyers (CIFAF), which is headquartered in Cotonou in BENIN, and the African Center for Law and Development (CADEV), headquartered in DOUALA in CAMEROON. Such dedication to ongoing education and professional development is truly admirable and undoubtedly enhances his already impressive expertise, making him a valuable asset in his field.


Since the year 2004, this esteemed individual has been significantly contributing to the development and preparation of the renowned and highly valued DOING BUSINESS report. Furthermore, due to the exceptional initiative of the Association Avocat sans Frontière, Maitre has become a proficient and dedicated trainer for various international instruments which are solely directed to the safeguarding and protection of basic human rights across the globe.

It is notable that he has been registered as a distinguished member of the Pointe-Noire Bar since the date of July 14, 2000, and as a result, has continued his journey to serve the legal community and the general public with his vast knowledge and expertise.

He possesses enviable educational qualifications in the legal field, as he is the proud holder of a highly specialized certificate in insurance law, which is indicative of his comprehensive knowledge and experience in the subject matter. Additionally, he has obtained a professional qualification certificate in energy and mining activities law which is a testament to his dedication to continuously research, learn and grow his expertise.

Thibaut Vincent KINTOMBO

Holder of a Masters in Public Law, Maître Thibaut Vincent also graduated from the Higher Cycle of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM), Bar sector.


Holder of a Masters in Private Law and a graduate of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM), BAREAU sector.
He also participated in several seminars in the context of conflict prevention and management in Congo (PREGESCO). He has been registered with the Pointe-Noire Bar since July 2011

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